
Thank you for choosing to support my blog, AnotherLoonie! Just by being a reader, you are already doing so much to lend your support and keep this blog running. If you’d like to do more to support AnotherLoonie, there are a few different ways to accomplish that. Best of all, these are all at no cost to you.

The easiest way to support AnotherLoonie is to sign up for a service using my referral codes. These are all services I personally use, and I recommend them to my readers. By signing up, I receive a small commission (typically around $10 to $50), which helps cover some of the cost of hosting AnotherLoonie.



  • I’ve been with Tangerine for over 5 years and use them for my primary chequing and savings accounts.
  • If you’re interested in opening an account, please consider using my Orange Key (46870461S1) which will earn you $50.


Web Hosting Canada

  • I use Web Hosting Canada to host AnotherLoonie, and I’ve had a great experience with them. They make hosting a WordPress site so easy!
  • If you’re interested in hosting your own website, please consider Web Hosting Canada and use my referral link.


  • I’ve been using Monumetric for almost a year now and have been so happy! You can earn much more money through Monumetric than from Google AdSense and other advertising networks.
  • Sign up using my referral link today to start earning significantly more from your blog!

Credit Cards



  • I’ve been using Questrade for over 7 years now, and I believe they are the best online broker in Canada for ETF investors. They have excellent customer service and, best of all, let you buy any ETF for free!
  • Please sign up using my referral code (336421347418465) to earn up to $250 when funding your account.
How to use my Questrade offer code.

Interactive Brokers

  • I’ve been using Interactive Brokers because they have the lowest margin rates in the business. They also have the best platform for options trading and other advanced trading strategies.
  • Please sign up using my referral link to earn up to $1,000 when funding your account. Read more about the program and its restrictions here.

Public Mobile

  • Public Mobile is a Canadian cellular provider backed by Telus. They’re extremely affordable, and unlike other low-cost providers, their network is amazing and spans across Canada.
  • If you’d like to sign up, please consider using my referral link to earn a $10 credit.


Great Canadian Rebates

  • Great Canadian Rebates is the best way to save money when shopping online. I also use it to earn credit-card sign up bonuses.
  • Sign up usign my referral link to start saving!

If you don’t need any of these products or services, that’s okay! Because another great way to support AnotherLoonie is by sharing one of my posts with a friend, subscribing to my newsletter, or even leaving a comment! All of the above helps AnotherLoonie grow and reach more Canadians.

Thank you so much for your readership and support!